************Benefis Healthcare Med Flight C90**************

Thanks for downloading this plane. This is my first repaint. Please feel
free to e-mail me with comments. Bill Carmichael bacarmi1@attbi.com

This plane is a repaint of Tomohito UNAYAMA's (as UNAMAN) "TC-90v10" found at

Benefis Healthcare is located in Great Falls Montana. Med Flight services north,
central and the eastern Montana regions. The Med Flight program was developed in
1994 with a single King Air 100, and now is comprised of Three fixed wing
aircraft (King 100, King C90, and a Lear citation) The small King's are ideal
for the short runways of rural Montana.

* This is for FS2000 and FS2002 use only. The confirmation of operation on FS98 isn't done.
* I nor UNAMAN can not bear responsibility to any fault which happened in using this.
You should use this at your own risk.
* You may make no money with this.
* All copyrights are reserved by Tomohito UNAYAMA. If you want to make any changes to
the file, please e-mail him. kikumasa@tc4.so-net.ne.jp

Copy "Med Flight" file into the "AIRCRAFT" file in the FS2000 folder. That is all.

* Control surfaces
* Flaps
* Props
* Gears(nose gear can be steered), bay doors
* Landing lights
* Heads of pilots(with rudder)
* Door(operated by "/"key)

Mr. Michael Verlin for the great aerodynamics and Tomohito UNAYAMA for allowing me
to Repaint.